How do fears morph into phobias and when do phobias become paranoia? Through my lifetime, I have been known and mocked for my vast and perpetually fluctuating terrors. I even recall a time in High School when we had an open discussion on personal fears in one of my classes and my teacher facetiously told me I suffered from Panophobia. Although, I did not nor do I have Panophobia, which is a distinct fear of everything. My catalogs of lifelong interminably altering array of alarms are ludicrously long and incongruous in and of themselves. There is an outnumbered magnitude of things I do not fear, but my list is more extensive than the average person, which has landed me the target of countless shenanigans on more than one occasion. Mercifully, they have all been lightheartedly done and that I am a practical joker as well so no harm no foul. Where exactly my distress and fears stems from and the vacillation range baffles me. Things that may fear some, utterly petrifies me. Through my explorations, I have found some astonishing hypotheses. I even went on a mission to banish my fears in my late teens to early twenties to liberate myself, but at no avail. The inexplicable part of it all is the gradation of discrepancy and variation of my fears. The echelon of impact incessantly shifts and I could be terrified of something one day, not the next, and then the fear reemerges.
Here is my list (or what I can think of right now):
- Clowns, scary looking people, scary/creepy pictures
- Having an illness without my knowledge
- Decaying teeth
- Balloons popping
- Broken glass
- Feet
- Tornadoes, sink holes, tidal waves/tsunamis
- Being embarrassed, falling, tripping
- Admitting weakness, failure, being alone, not being loved
- Large bodies of water
- The ocean, Bora Bora, Antarctica
- Deep water and the things in it that can harm me like sharks, jellyfish, whales, stingrays, alligators etc
- Large dogs, spiders, insects/bugs, parasites, centipedes, furry caterpillars, rabid animals
- Needles, scissors, guns, knives- Pretty much anything that could potentially harm me in anyway
- Darkness
- Funeral homes, cemeteries
- Zombies
- Going to hell, the Devil, God, ghosts, aliens and anything else that can or does exist without my visible knowledge
- Death, being killed, dying in my sleep, drowning, being stabbed, suffocating, inhaling toxicants, choking
- Being abandoned, stranded, being lost
- Chipping my teeth, biting my tongue
- Government cover-ups
- Germs, bacteria, mold, mildew, people who are not sanitary, unclean/rotten food or drink, inhaling people's breath or flatulence
- Car breaking down while I am in it
- The end of the world
- Contracting a deadly illness or STD
- Heights, ladders, stairs
- Not being able to close my eyes and cover my ears when I am scared
- Injuring myself, breaking a bone
- Physically hurting others
- Q-tips
- Not knowing things
- Certain noises
- Being locked up
- Comforting people, showing affection or endearment
- Touching people especially ones I do not know
- Dirt, sweat, being dirty
- Paper cuts
- Being surprised, false/ill intentions, people invading my privacy, watching me, going through my things or garbage, spying/stalking me, being lied to, hidden cameras
- High heels
- Medication
- Losing my intelligence, ignorance, Alzheimer’s, Dementia
- Large crowds, being in public, malls
- Things that are supposed to taste like something they are not
- Dolls coming to life
- Things hiding in my closet or under my bed
- Gnomes, midgets, leprechauns
- Evil fairies or supernatural/mythical beings sucking my soul out while I sleep, bugs crawling in my orifices while I sleep
A number of my fears are childlike and humorous to some, but true to the fact.
Of all these water has been my greatest terror. My entire life I have been traumatized by it, under no circumstance could I put my head under the water in the bathtub, swimming pool, at the beach, etc. I kept my eyes open in the shower and I would distance myself from others while swimming, so there was no chance they could push me under the water. I have always over-analyzed why I am so much more afraid of water than the other fears. Studies show that fears derive from life-threatening experiences we have had. Now I know when I was a very young child, once while in my Grandparents pool my Aunt thought it would be funny to play around submerging me under water repeatedly. I can recollect the entire incident, but it does not scare me to think back on it. When I was a toddler, apparently I had this infatuation with walking into the pool and scaring the daylights out of everyone as I floated to the bottom of the pool, seeing, as I could not swim. I would do this repeatedly therefore, obviously, it did not frighten me, but I do not remember any of that and I have no other horrifying experiences with water so I have no conclusion to draw from. Where exactly all my fears come from I have no idea, but I know they exist since merely looking at a picture of a large open body of water nearly causes me to literally faint.
There are heterogeneous suppositions to why people have fears and all are inconclusive. Some denunciate genetics, culture factors, life experiences as previously mentioned, a symptom of mental illness, and others see phobias as a learnt behavior. One of the utmost peculiar research studies I have found based a theory on inner ear trauma and how it can incorporate sensory and emotional health there by engendering fears. Whatever the cause may be, I endure fear all to often.
By the way, this picture scared the bejesus outta me!
Honestly, Chas... that picture is crazy. o.O
ReplyDeleteI was also going to post a comment on your list of fears there. There really is a LOT of people who share the same fears. I mean, think of the horror movies made. For instance: Stephen King's "IT"; Leprechaun; Final Destination; any number of zombie movies, ghost movies, exorcism movies. My point here is a lot of you is "normal". Or maybe the whole world isn't normal? What do you think? Either way, you are one of the most pleasant people to be around. I am sure anyone that is around you can be themselves. At least that is the vibe you give me. I wish these last few years we could have hung out more... however, I have a phobia of true friendship, or something. I really do push people away. Maybe you get what I am saying. Hmm... anyway, miss you! :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree Jess, although taking my dog out to potty in the middle of the night is in and of itself an epidemic situation. Do most people clinch the door handle and brace themselves ready to run back inside and lock the door, yelling at their dog to hurry it up, so that nothing comes out and kills us...and sadly enough I have left him to survive on his own on more than one occasion, all because I was to scared to walk out my front door. I literally mean my mind goes non-stop with crazy nonsense analogies that exist without stimulation of a movie or such. I basically sleep INSIDE my bed every night to hide from whatever my mind is, telling me is going to get me. I have three night-lights in my bedroom, the bedroom door locked in case someone breaks in, the bedroom window is blocked off, and I sleep with the television on so that any bumps in the night are not heard to frighten me. I get what you are saying, it’s just the extreme intensity is off. By the way, I UBER miss you too and you have always been a true friend to me! xox
ReplyDelete"Do most people clinch the door handle and brace themselves..." I'm not sure if everyone feels that way because I've met a lot of what I'd call brave people. I am not one of them. Not by a long shot. I too, scurry to get back in the house and think the worst of every situation. I blame mine on the fact that I have been mugged, which is a big culprit leading to PTSD. The other relevant thing here is worrying. I am a worrier, not a warrior. Know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteBTW I showed Lexie that picture and she said it was creepy as well. So, hope that might ease your mind a little bit. :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you showed little Lexie that scary picture! Now she is gonna have nightmares lmfao
ReplyDeletewater is my biggest phobia too, especially giant bodies of water. And i cant even look at the picture it does scare me