Okay, so I declare I am addicted to Facebook, things could be shoddier correct?… I could be addicted to a number of otherwise supplementary aberrant things, so I bite the bullet. Besides there is nothing more enjoyable in the morning than sitting down with a warm velvety cup of Joe, advent music streaming through my headphones, and reading my version of the morning paper-My Facebook News Feed that chronically keeps me up to date with friends, family, and random noteworthiness. Lord knows that I belong to way to many groups and pages these days. In the public Blogger community and being the Spring Chicken that I am, I want to be up-date on issues that possibly interest my readers and me. Furthermore, today’s “paper” gave more exuberant spirits than the melancholic ones of yesterday and the yesterdays before that with all this BP oil crisis business and everything else unchangingly down beat. I come to you today with an abundance of things.
Firstly, who knew with all the mystery surrounding the precise foundation of most mental illnesses, that I would read today that there may soon be an MRI that can diagnose Bipolar disorder?…Now my excitement here was more on the side of possible medical advancement in the Mental Health Dept than the actual finding itself. For one reason only, if our medical world is not certain on the origin of the illness, then how can we be evident on a tactic for diagnosing it? Seems to me that more research is unquestionably needed here. Especially since treatment itself is more of a guessing game than a sure thing. I myself have been on a combination of Lithium Carbonate and Alprazolam (otherwise known as Xanax) which did not work thereafter Quetiapine (Seroquel) and Klonopin (Clonazepam) and finally back to higher dosages of Lithium Carbonate and Klonopin (Clonazepam). For me medication has been an up and down daily battle, as of now I do not medicate myself on a daily basis. Which is not something I celebrate or encourage others to participate in, but my current circumstances hinder it to be. I have never been one to enjoy pill popping and have been more afraid of the medications doing more harm than good. My experiences with these were more terrifying than I ever expected. I started having tremors, nerve twitches, foggy vision, horrible memory function, at night I was pretty much a catatonic zombie, my vertigo worsened, I was confused all the time, extreme hair loss, severe diarrhea, weight gain, my heart palpitations increased, I was also more prone to getting ill with either a sinus infection or severe upper respiratory infections, and extreme leg spasms where I could no longer drive. Although my highs, lows, mood swings, erratic crying, impulses, immense rage, paranoia, fears, mental tics, my abnormal urge to be brutality honest in opinions, suicidal thoughts, and dark demented perspectives were shadowed, they were still there and my hallucinations increased, but I was to drugged to react or be extremely disturbed by them. In my arbitrary opinion, research, research, research and more research is very well needed!
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Second up to bat, Metabolic Syndrome X. Queue thriller musical note sequence, Dun Dun Duunnn… Individuals with B.D. more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome, which is a fancy smancy way of saying they are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and Diabetes. Due to high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high levels of triglycerides (a type of fat, in your blood), Low levels of HDL (the good cholesterol, in your blood), and too much fat around your waist. Now I myself have had Diabetes for what, five years now, I think; once again I can chalk up thanks for my horrid memory that has yet to and may never return to normal, to my past medication treatment and the extra weight, so this was the utmost disturbing. Especially since, I suffer from extreme paranoia and anxiety over my health and well-being. After reading the article, I was somewhat baffled… If research shows this to be true, could they not link it to the side effects of the prescribed medications as well? Making it obvious that the medications need to be re-evaluated, as they clearly are not safe. To me these “side effects” are outnumbering the good reasoning’s in taking the medications.
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Third and final topic of the day, Omega-3 Treatment for Depression. The investigation presented that three daily doses of “OM3 Emotional Balance and Mood Enhancer“, 1050 mg of EPA and 150 mg of DHA performed like a prescribed anti-depressant. I am all for natural, organic, homeopathic, and home remedies so this was vastly fascinating to me. I have not conducted my own examination of this. Regrettably, it would be undoubtedly pointless, seeing as it apparently works on people with depression, excluding ones that have an anxiety disorder as well as depression… Therefore, I could not tell you if it truly works or not I presume. Although I might be inclined to give it a whirl when the time befalls, heck it cannot hurt to try. The only place I could find through the internet that you can purchase the product from is CVS and a few other online stores that did not look legit to me. If you have used this product, I would love to hear your feedback on it.
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Firstly, who knew with all the mystery surrounding the precise foundation of most mental illnesses, that I would read today that there may soon be an MRI that can diagnose Bipolar disorder?…Now my excitement here was more on the side of possible medical advancement in the Mental Health Dept than the actual finding itself. For one reason only, if our medical world is not certain on the origin of the illness, then how can we be evident on a tactic for diagnosing it? Seems to me that more research is unquestionably needed here. Especially since treatment itself is more of a guessing game than a sure thing. I myself have been on a combination of Lithium Carbonate and Alprazolam (otherwise known as Xanax) which did not work thereafter Quetiapine (Seroquel) and Klonopin (Clonazepam) and finally back to higher dosages of Lithium Carbonate and Klonopin (Clonazepam). For me medication has been an up and down daily battle, as of now I do not medicate myself on a daily basis. Which is not something I celebrate or encourage others to participate in, but my current circumstances hinder it to be. I have never been one to enjoy pill popping and have been more afraid of the medications doing more harm than good. My experiences with these were more terrifying than I ever expected. I started having tremors, nerve twitches, foggy vision, horrible memory function, at night I was pretty much a catatonic zombie, my vertigo worsened, I was confused all the time, extreme hair loss, severe diarrhea, weight gain, my heart palpitations increased, I was also more prone to getting ill with either a sinus infection or severe upper respiratory infections, and extreme leg spasms where I could no longer drive. Although my highs, lows, mood swings, erratic crying, impulses, immense rage, paranoia, fears, mental tics, my abnormal urge to be brutality honest in opinions, suicidal thoughts, and dark demented perspectives were shadowed, they were still there and my hallucinations increased, but I was to drugged to react or be extremely disturbed by them. In my arbitrary opinion, research, research, research and more research is very well needed!
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Second up to bat, Metabolic Syndrome X. Queue thriller musical note sequence, Dun Dun Duunnn… Individuals with B.D. more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome, which is a fancy smancy way of saying they are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and Diabetes. Due to high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high levels of triglycerides (a type of fat, in your blood), Low levels of HDL (the good cholesterol, in your blood), and too much fat around your waist. Now I myself have had Diabetes for what, five years now, I think; once again I can chalk up thanks for my horrid memory that has yet to and may never return to normal, to my past medication treatment and the extra weight, so this was the utmost disturbing. Especially since, I suffer from extreme paranoia and anxiety over my health and well-being. After reading the article, I was somewhat baffled… If research shows this to be true, could they not link it to the side effects of the prescribed medications as well? Making it obvious that the medications need to be re-evaluated, as they clearly are not safe. To me these “side effects” are outnumbering the good reasoning’s in taking the medications.
Link to article
Third and final topic of the day, Omega-3 Treatment for Depression. The investigation presented that three daily doses of “OM3 Emotional Balance and Mood Enhancer“, 1050 mg of EPA and 150 mg of DHA performed like a prescribed anti-depressant. I am all for natural, organic, homeopathic, and home remedies so this was vastly fascinating to me. I have not conducted my own examination of this. Regrettably, it would be undoubtedly pointless, seeing as it apparently works on people with depression, excluding ones that have an anxiety disorder as well as depression… Therefore, I could not tell you if it truly works or not I presume. Although I might be inclined to give it a whirl when the time befalls, heck it cannot hurt to try. The only place I could find through the internet that you can purchase the product from is CVS and a few other online stores that did not look legit to me. If you have used this product, I would love to hear your feedback on it.

I'm not sure I believe all the hype about Omega-3s, but I too prefer to use natural treatments - far fewer side effects! If you want to try using it, I'd recommend having a look at xtend-life.com as they are a reputable company based in New Zealand (where supplements are actually regulated to some extent, unlike the US). I use some of their stuff, and it's helped me.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing. I checked out the website provided and I found it very interesting. May I ask if you suffer from Depression and/or any other condition(s) and what products you found helpful? I have read mixed reviews about how natural remedies do not work in cases that the patients have a variety of conditions to treat (ex. Bipolar disorder w/an anxiety-panic disorder, bipolar w/insomnia, or Depression w/Panic disorder etc.) I ask because they have different supplements for a variety of different conditions. I was curious to know if you might know from your experience with their products, if they would all work together. If you have Bipolar disorder while taking the supplement for depression did it cause you to go into a manic state or not. While searching the site it stated for
ReplyDeleteDepression, Stress and Anxiety you would need to combine: Neuro-Natural Serenity and Omega 3/DHA Fish Oil Premium
Insomnia you would need to combine: Neuro-Natural Sleep, Total Balance, and Omega 3 DHA/Fish oil Premium.
Basically, I am asking what your conclusion was for the supplements you use or have tried, what exactly you used, and how they all worked together in your system. I have not yet gone the natural way pertaining to the Bipolar disorder, the anxiety/panic disorder, or the insomnia. Due to the fact, I do not know if it would automatically send me to the opposite end of the spectrum or help one condition and make the others worse so to speak. Thank you for your feedback!